Data Analysis for Tata CLiQ
Data Analysis for Tata CLiQ

Insightful Data to Tata Cliq for Key Business and Transaction Indicators

Problem Statement: Tata CLiQ is the flagship digital commerce initiative of the Tata Group. It is a multi-category e-commerce platform, operating across categories such as Fashion, Footwear, Accessories and Beauty. The eCommerce industry is fraught with high risks, encompassing intricate claims procedures, pricing strategies, promotional efforts, risk mitigation measures, currency fluctuations, exposure to natural disasters, and adherence to regulatory compliance.

Our client, akin to many financial entities, relied heavily on data for informed decision-making. However, grappling with the complexity of data analysis and deriving actionable insights became increasingly challenging due to outdated data integration methodologies. Key areas warranting a contemporary analytical approach included:

  • Fraud detection – Identifying the perpetrators of fraud who contribute to significant annual losses.
  • Real-time detection and mitigation of risk – Given the high-risk nature of the financial industry, the timely detection of threats requires near-real-time capabilities.
  • Predicting lifetime customer value– Forecasting customer value over their lifetime can facilitate the strategic selection of target segments for more effective marketing efforts.
  • Adjusting to customer behaviour – Customers’ preferences evolve, and comprehending these changes can aid in effectively responding to reduce churn.
  • Tailoring marketing strategies to personalise and target specific customer segments.
  • Interacting with customers and ensuring effective communication with them.

With Qlik Sense, the company can now conduct structured data analysis to identify specific indicators of potential fraudulent activities, including fake transactions. The platform enables the company to delve into intricate customer behavioural data, gathering insights from various sources such as demographics, preferences, attitudes, lifestyles, interests, and belief systems.

Outcome: By leveraging abilities, the company can meticulously monitor customer behaviour, enabling a thorough assessment of their actions to mitigate risks effectively. This includes tracking team member performances, analysing office performance, identifying top-selling policies, evaluating city and regional performance, and generating performance reports for third-party and independent agents.

Conclusion: Through the implementation of Qlik Sense, Tata CLiQ achieved a significant transformation in its data analysis capabilities. The platform enabled efficient fraud detection, real-time risk mitigation, and precise prediction of customer lifetime value. By understanding and adapting to evolving customer behaviors, Tata CLiQ could tailor marketing strategies to specific segments, effectively reducing churn. This comprehensive data-driven approach not only enhanced decision-making but also fortified the company’s ability to respond to market dynamics, ultimately solidifying Tata CLiQ’s position in the competitive e-commerce landscape.